Introduction – History of VIGYÁZ-6 Ltd.


I, János Nagy the founder of the business welcomes you to our website.

Nagy János - Managing Director

Unfortunately we are living in a world where you have to secure and protect your property and assets. There are numerous security companies available to help you with this. That is why I would like to bring your attention to our company in particular, in the provision of a comprehensive and trustworthy service at competitive fee rates.

There were no private security companies going back to the early 1980’s. It was the state police who were minding the assets, with more or less success. As they could not be everywhere at the same time, the need arose to employ people dedicated to this security requirement. I personally was working for 12 years at Lake Balaton responsible for guarding the private property of a client. During these times I gained much experience, both theoretical and practical. As soon as it was possible I took the exam for personal security and asset protection and afterwards worked for a security company. Soon I was promoted to be a group leader there. Since then I got insight into the management of several companies. I experienced, that after getting a new client the guards were no longer effectively supervised, consequently they paid less and less attention to their tasks. Also, due to lack of supervision, guard uniforms and personal appearance were neglected

These days it is very common to meet the security guards first when you enter a company. Confident, well balanced, competent staff can positively influence the impressions about your company. Of course the opposite of this is true as well.

Using the experience I gained, I found my own company, where the key values in focus are professionalism, neat appearance and neat uniform. We try to compete with the similar profile companies with our quality work and competitive fee structure.

The Company was founded based on the governmental decree of 1987/95. We possess all the licences required by law. Our staff is equipped with all the coercive equipment as per law IV. of 1998.

Thank you for your kind interest.

János Nagy
managing director